On Mac use Spotlight or Finder, on Windows use Windows Search in order to search for the files. The Set or project folder, or their parent folder may have been renamed or moved. If the projects were deleted intentionally or accidentally, they could still be in Trash/Recycle Bin. The Set is located on an external hard drive that is not currently connected.Ĭlose Live, connect your external drive(s), relaunch Live and see if the Set appears again in the menu. Please note that Live itself doesn't delete or move files, so there is a good chance that missing files are still somewhere on your hard drive. In the worst case scenario, which is pretty rare, they may have been accidentally deleted. als files have been altered, renamed or moved. als files in the original saved-to location. Live will show greyed-out Set names if it cannot find the. Sets in the Open Recent Set menu are greyed out