The Valheru were powerful beings that ruled over the people they created. Martin Longbow is traveling to the Elf Queens castle and when he gets there he realizes that Thomas is under the influence of the Armor he wears which once belonged to an ancient being called a Valheru. He begins to look into how the rift works and decides that the Tsurani Empire is killing itself.

Pug is now called Milamber and has twice the strength of any other magician because he draws power from both worlds.

The flee back to Crydee without any aid to follow. When he gets there the city has been captured by his cousin Guy du Bas-Tyra who seeks the crown. He takes several men with him to Krondor to find aid for the war. Others wish him dead because they consider him a threat because of his home world. He feels loyalty to both worlds now but has managed to find his wal, which is a peaceful place within himself. Pug is able to overcome these after he becomes a Great One. They condition the mind so that the person feels absolute loyalty to the Empire. They have taken his memories and don't give them back until training is complete. Pug begins his training as a Great One, which is a Tsurani magician. Things are further complicated by the fact that the Queen is in love with Thomas. The Valheru has the power to destroy all of them and they fear it is taking over Thomas. It is armor that belonged to a powerful being called a Valheru. Thomas was given a gift by a dragon when he was a child. Thomas was childhood friends with Pug but hasn't seen him since he was captured by the Tsurani. She and the others in her kingdom are worried that Thomas will soon become a very dangerous threat. In the mean time Thomas is with the Elf Queen, Aglaranna. While under their ownership a Tsurani magician finds Pug and takes him to be trained to be what the Tsurani call a Great One. Pug and Laurie are brought into a plot to end the war by a Tsurani family. The story is about the war between Tsuranuanni Empire and the Midkemian Kingdom and how it was brought to an end.

The story opens with Pug and Laurie working in the swamp where they are slaves to the Tsurani.