Extract the new WAI元2.DLL into the ASSETS folder, and allow it to overwrite the original. View that specific post and download the ZIP file. On the second page, forum moderator Vetz mentions the game crashing and attached a replacement WAI元2.DLL. I found a thread started by someone looking for a way to play Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure without the game disc. There's a message board called VOGONS (Very Old Games On New Systems) that's great for discussing older games on newer machines, so that's where I looked for help. Next, you'll need to replace a file that causes the game to lock up when a sound effect plays. Click on the Compatibility tab, look under Compatibility mode, check the box next to 'Run this program in compatibility mode for:', then select Windows 95 from the drop-down menu. Open the new PITFALL folder, open the ASSETS folder, right-click on PITFALL.EXE, and select Properties. This creates a new PITFALL folder containing the visible files on the CD-ROM.

Go to the storage device and folder where you install games, and paste the contents there. Open File Explorer, right-click on the drive reading PITFALL, and select Copy. You'll discover that the Sound Effects options are disabled. In the game window, click on File, select Properties. The issue? You'll have CD music, but you won't have sound effects. When the game window opens, you'll receive an error that reads "Pitfall must be played in 256 color mode for optimum performance." Press OK and the game appears to work fine. If you press Play, the splash video fails to show as music eventually plays. If you decide to run the game from here, the loader will open and you'll hear a roaring jaguar sound effect. AutoPlay might prompt you to 'Run pitstart.exe', but I recommend 'Take no action'. So, you still have Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure for Windows 95 on CD-ROM and are wondering if the game can run on 64-bit Windows? Go ahead and load the game disc into your optical disc drive.

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure On 64-Bit Windows Original booklet and CD inside open jewel case. He Sat In An Old Recliner > Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure On 64-Bit Windows He Sat In An Old Recliner